Friday, October 25, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Visit #2 and Little Helpers!

Hudsen's preschool made a trip to the Pumpkin Patch this week and we had so much fun.  They plan their trip in the morning before the pumpkin patch opens, so it is just Hudsen's school and it is so nice.  They have the whole place to themselves and they have a blast.  Again, the boys had so much fun and I was able to get some really cute pictures of them together with the pumpkins.  They loved the swing ride, petting zoo, train, slides and bounce house!  Hudsen got a burn on his elbow going down the big slide and after a band-aid made it better, he decided he didn't really need to slide anymore!!! I have said this before, but I just love his preschool and look forward to Nolen enjoying the same experiences next year!  We had so much fun!

The boys with the pumpkins!!

Yay for the Pumpkin Patch!

The bounce house!  This is pretty much where the boys played most of the time!

This was his last slide down!  After this we got a band-aid and wasn't feeling the slides anymore!!  Poor thing!

Nolen thought he might go through the obstacle course but decided he really didn't want to.  I had to climb my big old self in and get him out!!

The train!  Hudsen loved it!  Nolen didn't want to ride but loved yelling at Hudsen to "Have fun!"

Again Nolen goes right in and pets the animals!

Hudsen decided they weren't as bad as he thought!

The swing ride!  They had fun on this again!

I love this picture!  Aren't they just the cutest!!!

We have several pictures of Hudsen helping Bompa with different projects or repairs since he could crawl!  He still loves to help and Nolen has decided it is pretty cool too!  They are the sweetest little helpers and are both very careful!

King and Ellen are painting their hutch to match their kitchen table.  Nolen helped take the hardware off!

Hudsen helped take the staples out of the back of the bottom piece!

Nolen loves to sweep!!

For my birthday Tim and the boys picked out wood frames and paint so the boys and I could do a craft together.  I love doing crafts with the kids and I love that Tim knows this and did this for my birthday!!  We had craft day on Tuesday and they had so much fun, and I got two beautiful frames!!
Getting ready!  Nolen just wanted his paint!!

Painting!!  Again, I love that Tim knows how much I love doing this with the boys!

All finished!  They got to pick the picture that went in the frame too!!  These beautiful frames are on my dresser.  I love looking at them every morning as I walk out of the bedroom!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013


WOW!!!  I turned 35 yesterday!  King and Ellen had a Halloween birthday party for me on Friday!!  We had lots of fun!  They had games, food and cake!!  We watched The Worst Witch and had so much fun!  Before the party, and after I picked Hudsen up from school, I took the boys to the Pumpkin Patch.  We were invited to go with our friend's preschool and the boys had so much fun!!  They rode a couple of swing rides, saw the animals at the petting zoo and played in the bouncy house and big slides!!  Then we went back to King and Ellen's and had a party!!  We had roast, potatoes, carrots, gravy and my favorite apple salad!  We played games and finished with a Frankenstein cake!  We watched the Cardinals win and then headed home.  The boys crashed and didn't wake when we put them in bed.  On my actual birthday we had dinner with friends and had so much fun visiting and watching the kids play!  We visited a haunted house and while we all made it to the end, me and the boys aren't planning on going back!!  It was neat though.  Then we had cake and came home.  The boys crashed and my 35th birthday was done.  It was a great one!
Here we are!  Elizabeth was taking the picture but was a witch!
Me and my boys in our costumes!

Pumpkin Patch:

They had so much fun on the swing ride!

And they loved this one too!

This was as close to the animals as Hudsen wanted to be!

Nolen loved them and talked to them like they were humans!

I asked Hudsen to get Nolen because it was our turn to go to the slides and this is what it looked like!  Hudsen couldn't get out of there fast enough!

This was the first time for Nolen to go down the big slides!  He loved them and was very careful!



The slide at the end of the obstacle course!

The BIG slide!!  Hudsen LOVED this one!  Nolen wanted to try it but I was too scared for him so he had to stick with the blue one!

Hudsen climbing up and Nolen sliding down!  One last time before we go!

Pumpkin patch 2013!  Sweet Brothers!

Birthday Party:
Iron Man and Jake the Pirate!

Batman, Iron Man, Jake and The Cat in the Hat!

Frankenstein cake!

Witch, Hudsen and Jake!  Hudsen got hot and wanted his clothes on.  Nolen stayed in his costume until I put his pj's on! 

Throughing the spider on the web game!

Bean bag toss!

This is blurry but he was soooo excited to get both rings on the witch hat!

The boys got prizes for each game and they loved their painting books!

Lighting the candles!  There is nothing more special than hearing your boys sing "Happy Birthday to Mommy!"

Getting some help with the candles!

My family!  I love each one of my three boys so very much!  I am so blessed!

Mommy and her boys!  There are no words to describe how much I love my boys!

Dinner with our friends and I was in charge of the cake!  Jack-O-Lantern!  It was a lot of fun to make!
Have a Happy Sunday!