Saturday, June 22, 2013


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Have a great Saturday!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013

Hudsen and I made this banner when he was just 6 months old for Tim's first Father's Day!  Five years later and we are still putting it up!!  Hopefully it will last a long time!  I love looking back at how the boys have grown!  Happy Father's Day Tim!  You are a wonderful Daddy to our sweet boys!  We are all so blessed to have you and love you so much!  I can't imagine sharing all these memories with anyone else!  We hope you had a great day, you deserve it!
Father's Day 2013:
It was a great day!  We made donuts for Tim for breakfast, the boys napped, Tim was able to clean out his car and clean his golf clubs and then we had a great dinner at King and Ellen's!  We watched the US Open and the College World Series!  The weather was beautiful and the boys played outside most of the evening!  I have been wanting to get the boys a water table for a while now and I found one on craigslist for $15, contacted the lady and she never frustrating!  Ellen found a water table Saturday at K-Mart for $24.99 and called to see if we still wanted one!  They got it and the boys LOVED it!  I have it sitting by the back door and can't wait to take it out today for them to play!!! 

The boys playing with their water table!  They got soaked several times!

Dad and Bompa enjoying their day!
Happy Father's Day Dad!  It takes a special man to raise 3 girls and I can't imagine a better one than you!  Now you have lots of boys and another sweet girl to play with and they love you!   Thank You for being such a great dad, I love you so much!
Happy Father's Day King!  What a wonderful example Tim has in you!  You raised a great son and are so wonderful with our boys!  We love you so much!

Happy Father's Day Grandad!  I could spend hours talking about how wonderful you are!  You raised four great kids and have lots of grandkids, great grandkids and great great grandkids that love you very much!  I love you Grandad!

Happy Father's Day to all Dads!  We hope you all had a great day doing all the things you love best!
Happy Monday, have a great week!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Swim Lessons and More!

Swim Lessons:
Hudsen started swim lessons on Tuesday and has done pretty good!  We took a few lessons last year and it was an awful experience for Hudsen.  So this year we found a new teacher and she is wonderful!  She is so patient and very good with Hudsen.  She is a swim coach and does individual lessons at her home.  The lessons are 30 minutes and are two days a week and very, very reasonable in price!  I signed Hudsen up for the month of June (6 lessons) and today decided to put him down for the month of July (6 more lessons).  We will definitely be calling Miss Rachel next year for Hudsen and Nolen!  Here are a few pictures from his first week!
Getting ready to get started on Tuesday!

Kicking his feet to make him go!

Playing Humpty Dumpty!

Nolen wanted to jump in the water!  Probably should've signed him up this year but will definitely next year!

Kick, kick, kick!

Monkey crawling!

Humpty Dumpty again!  He loved it!

And Nolen found some dirt!!  This boy loves to play in the dirt!  He kicked his shoes off and was rubbing his toes in the dirt!

Some more kicking!
Anderson Dairy:
We went on a tour of Anderson Dairy on Wednesday!  It's a local dairy that has been around since 1907!  They showed how and where they make ice cream, milk, creamer, etc and where they store it!  The kids listened to some talking animals and watched a fun movie about the dairy through the years!  After the little movie, we all got some ice cream, which was a nice treat since it has been so hot here!  The ice cream was so good and creamy and I bought some today at the grocery store!  It probably doesn't compare to Blue Bell but it is pretty good!  Here are a few pictures after our tour!  Nolen went too but did not want to be in the picture!  He just wanted his Mommy!
"Say cheetos!"

Such cute kids!

Backyard Fun:
We try to make it outside at least once a day if not more!  We like to go to the park and water parks in the morning before the heat kicks up and then we like to take the boys in the backyard at night after supper!  They play baseball, basketball or in the jumphouse.  Anything to get rid of some energy!  Here are some pictures of our backyard fun!
Hudsen with the camera and wanting to take a picture of me and Nolen!

Hudsen is really into silly faces and always wants a silly face picture!  We tried to teach Nolen how to make a silly face!  Such cute boys!

Awe Brothers!

Relaxed!  That's the life!

And since Hudsen is always taking pictures of everybody, I thought we would try and get one of us together!! 

Playing in the water!!  They had a blast!
Staying Home!
So, I worked full time after Hudsen was born and until he was 3 and Nolen was 1.  Then I was fortunate to be able to only work part time (3 days a week) in March of 2012.  And at the end of last year I was able to stay at home full time!  I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to be able to stay at home with my kids!  Well, I have been at home for 6 months and I can tell you that I am still so excited and feel extremely blessed to be able to stay at home with my kids!  I get to feed them every meal, watch them play all day, put them down for naps and just enjoy watching them grow.  I have finally found a little cleaning routine that works and have finally figured out how to buy groceries for every meal at home!  We do have some rough days (not many but some) but I wouldn't trade it for the world!  And, THANK YOU Tim for working so hard for us!  I am just feeling truly blessed!
I hope everyone has a Happy Friday and an even better Father's Day weekend! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It's Summer!

School is out!
Hudsen had the best time at preschool this year!  Tim and I were talking about the reasons we signed him up for preschool this year and it was so worth it!  We loved the preschool that we chose for him and plan for him to attend their 4 year old program this fall!  His last day was on a Thursday and the Monday of his last week I got a text from Elizabeth that her and Gerard were wanting to have the first family pool/bbq party of the summer that week.  She asked what day would be better for us and I told her that Hudsen's last day of school was Thursday, so they turned it into an end of school party for Hudsen!  We had so much fun and it was the perfect way to end Hudsen's first year of preschool and the beginning of Summer!  He also had a dentist appointment before we went over to Beth and G's and he is still cavity free!!  Yay for Hudsen!  Nolen gets to see the dentist next time!!!
Last Day of School!

Sweet Boys!

Walking into school!  He looks so much bigger from his first day of school!

Happy Summer!

Nolen's happy too!

After school we headed to McDonald's to celebrate!!  Here are the boys enjoying some ice cream!

Hudsen blowing bubbles for everyone! 

Hudsen found the camera, which he does often, and wanted to take a funny picture of everyone!  Sorry everyone but they were too cute not to put up!  I always love to see what the world looks like to a 4 year old!  He has gotten Nolen interested in the camera too which is fun to see also!




Uncle G!

Hudsen had so much fun playing t-ball this season!  We definitely look forward to next year!  The coaches had planned for us to have a party but for various reasons we were unable to so we all met at the fields and they handed out a medal to each kid.  Hudsen was so excited to get his and he has it proudly hanging in his bedroom! 

So proud of his medal!

Nolen was excited too! 
End of School Party:
We had our end of school party the Monday after his last day!  They had it at a fun water park not far from the school and the kids had so much fun!  They had snacks and pizza and then ice cream at the end!  It was a lot of fun and we will miss our friends from school this summer but look forward to seeing them again in the fall!
The boys getting ready to play!  Nolen is still not real sure about the water parks but hopefully he will start to like them! 

Hudsen having a blast!

This is just before Hudsen poured a bucket of water on this little boy!  We don't know this little boy, I think he is in the 4 year old class, but Hudsen thought he needed to get wet!  Gotta love boys!

Hudsen having a blast!

Nolen thought he would try venturing out!

And came right back!

Trying to fill his bucket without getting too close to get wet!

Sweet Nolen!

Summer has started and greeted us with 100+ degree weather!  Thanks for easing us into it Vegas!!!  We have signed up for ClubRead at the library and plan on going to the water park a lot this summer!

Eggs for lunch!!!

Picnic in the living room!

Nolen, taken by Hudsen!

Playing in the water while Mommy grills!  They played for a long time like this!  I love these boys so much and look forward to so much fun this Summer! 

Hudsen starts swim lessons on Tuesday, so that will probably be my next post!  A friend of mine knows a lady who does one-on-one 30 minute lessons twice a week for $20 a lesson!  We signed up for the month of June and then will see if we need more!  I am so excited and think this year will be much better for him.  I think the individual lesson will help too!  We are also going to tour the Anderson Dairy Ice Cream Factory on Wednesday!  We missed the last tour because the boys had been sick and we are looking forward to this one!  It's a free tour and they get a little treat at the end.  Plus we get to hang out with some friends and that's always fun!  I am hoping my older sister, Amy, gets to come visit and hopefully flights will go down a little or their will be a special so me and the boys can go visit this Summer too!  It's going to be a great Summer!  Hope everyone has a great one too!
Happy Weekend!