Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Funny Boy!

I meant to post this video with the previous post but I uploaded the wrong video. A few nights ago Tim and I were watching TV and Hudsen was in his walker just playing and talking. He did something that made us both laugh....it was one of those throw your head back and really laugh kinda things. When I did that Hudsen got so tickled. I threw my head back and laughed to see if he would do it again and he did. So this was the game we were playing. I made Tim get the camera and video this. I was laughing so hard I was crying and my sides were hurting.

The beginning is a little bumpy and you definitely need the sound turned up so you can get the full effect!! Enjoy!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

5 YEARS!!!

Tim and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary this past Friday!! Tim looked up what you are supposed to get each other and your 5th anniversary is wood. So, we had been talking about re-doing our dining room. I wanted to paint a gold color and Tim really wanted a darker color. Without me knowing, he picked out two paint colors and got some wood to make a chair rail. He then painted the top portion Honey Butter and the bottom portion Bordeaux with the chair rail white. He has become very handy and quite the home designer!! It is beautiful and I love it!! I didn't actually get him some wood that he could hold but he does get to see some wood. I got us tickets to the Florida Marlins at LA Dodgers game. Tim has two favorite teams.....Florida and Boston. This will be Hudsen's FIRST baseball game!!!!! We are so excited. We really try to see at least one game a season and we haven't been to one this year.

Grandma and Grandpa (Ellen and King) stayed with Hudsen while Tim and I went to dinner and a movie. We ate at PF Chang's and then went to Harry Potter The Half Blood Prince. PF Chang's is special because that is where Tim took me to eat on our first date and then 5 years ago we had our rehearsal dinner there. As for the movie....... WONDERFUL!!! I loved the new Harry Potter movie but I am a huge Harry Potter fan!! I can't wait for the next one!!

To sum up..... our anniversary was WONDERFUL!!! We can't wait for the baseball game and we will post pictures of Hudsen's first game!!!!

This was the best picture I could get of the dining room. The colors look so good with everything I have in there!!!

I can't put up a post without pictures of Hudsen!!!! He is getting so big. He is still working on two teeth and trying to crawl. He gets around like a worm. It really is the cutest thing!!

Here are my boys watching the all-star game!!

You can't really see the shirt. It has a stroller on it and it says underneath, "That's how I roll" SO cute!

Hudsen is now waving bye-bye. It is the cutest thing but we can't get it on video. We keep trying but he will stop when we start recording. We will keep trying and post it once we get it recorded.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July


Hudsen had his first 4th of July! He watched his first fireworks and didn't even cry. We had a wonderful day grilling and enjoying the nice weather! Here are a few pictures to share!

He is getting so big and looking more like a little boy and not so much like a little baby!

He was very relaxed outside with all of his toys!! He loves to be outside!!
We hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hudsen had his 6 month check-up on Monday. He is healthy and perfect. He is 29 inches and 19 lbs. He grew 3 inches and only gained 2 pounds. He is long and lean. He got 4 shots and the nurse this time wasn't the greatest but Hudsen was so good. He only cried for a little bit and had stopped by the time we got to the front to make our next appointment. We go back in September and I think he has already grown some more!

He is so very close to crawling. He gets on all fours and rocks back and forth and will move his knees but can't figure out to move his hands. He still scoots and is very fast. I think he will be crawling by the end of this weekend!!

We have tried some new foods. Green beans were a NO!! He did not like them. I read that it can take up to 15 tries before they will like them. We tried it twice and got the same response so I guess we have 13 more tries before we are supposed to give up. Sweet peas were the same. Do we see a trend here........I don't think he likes green foods. That sounds a lot like his daddy!!! He is a fan of sweet potatoes and plums. The next thing we will try will be butternut squash.

In summary, we are doing GREAT!! Hudsen is growing like a weed and doing something new everyday. Tim started school last week and is doing fantastic. I am just loving being a mom!!!