Tuesday, January 16, 2018


We are halfway through this school year and what a Wonderful first semester these two had! We are so proud of them and their hard work. To celebrate them, we will be going to our Winter Wonderland Dance at school on Friday and then Paddington 2 on Saturday! 

Hudsen set a goal at the beginning of the school year to have straight A's all year
 His teacher made them write their goal down and taped them to their desks, so they look at them everyday. He is halfway there and has worked hard. We are so proud!

This is the first semester that Nolen has had actual grades recorded and he did a great job. He is at or above grade level in everything. We are so proud of him!

We are cruising through this school year and having a blast. Our 100th day is Monday and I can't believe how fast it is going.
Happy Tuesday and Go Knights Go!!

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