Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sick Boy

Our sweet Hudsen has had an ear infection. This is our first real experience with him being sick. He has had a fever, cough and runny nose. He has been put on antibiotics, motrin and a decongestant, all which he takes very well. Hopefully he will be better soon!!

Being sick is not going to keep him from playing with Emma!

Trying to get him to eat. He hasn't been eating well since he got sick. He looks like such a big boy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

All Smiles!

I just wanted to share a few pictures of Hudsen! He is growing up so fast and he brings so much joy to our lives!! He has the sweetest personality! We still have no teeth but I feel that we are close! Someday!! Anyway, enjoy!

He has really gotten into pulling his shirt up to show off his belly. Today he pulled it up and I poked his belly button and tickled him. After that, he walked around pulling his shirt up, looking at his belly and poking his finger in his belly button! Hilarious!!!

We refer to this cabinet as "Hudsen's Cabinet." He loves it, especially when I am in the kitchen cooking!!!

Emma is his best friend! He loves her and she is so good with him. He loves Chandler too, but Emma comes around him more!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I feel like walking is a HUGE milestone that we have failed to blog about. Hudsen started walking right before Thanksgiving and has been on-the-go ever since! It is the cutest thing to watch him just toddle around.....honestly, anything he does is cute.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Sorry this is so late but we had A LOT of pictures to go through and pick out to share. We had a few Christmas celebrations this year.

We start with our first one at Grandma and Grandpa's......aka Ellen and King!

Our favorite thing is stockings and Hudsen picked up the fun in them really quick. He loved looking in a pulling things out!!

He loved his alphabet train from Brian and Erin.

He also loved his bouncing turtle! We had a wonderful Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa.
For our next one, we move to our house a few days later. We had these two early because we traveled to Plainview this year!

We have to show the kitties playing with their presents!!

Again, we love stockings!!!

We always love opening presents from our Alaska family! Isn't this cap so cute!!

Hudsen got several baseball toys and this one is a t-ball set! He knew exactly where the ball went, we did not coach him, he did this on his own!! Baseball is in his blood!

Our family Christmas 2009! It was wonderful!

We started for Plainview on the 23rd and arrived on Christmas Eve to lots of snow!!! We drove this year and I told Tim that was the last time. It is getting harder the older Hudsen gets but we made it. We didn't run into weather until 30 miles west of Amarillo and it still wasn't as bad as it could have been. We made it and that's all that mattered!

Christmas morning! Santa even knew we were in Plainview! By the way.......the rocking chair was mine that my Granny got for me and I was able to pass it on to Hudsen. My mom sent it to the North Pole to be painted and delivered on Christmas Day to Hudsen!!!

I love these two pictures of everyone! Family time is the best part of the holidays!!

The first gift that Hudsen opened was an airport from Nanny and Pappy.....aka my mom and dad!

He loved it so much we had to put it together right then.

The finished product.......he had a lot of fun while we were there playing with his airport.

I feel like I need to explain this picture! This is me and my little sister Kiley, who by the way is expecting her 2nd baby in August!!! We are so excited. But back to the picture. There are a lot of things for babies that we have always said, "I wish they made those for big people" and one of those items are the footed sleepers. Well....... they do make them for big people because my older sister, Amy, found them and gave them to Kiley and me for Christmas! We are always so cold and these are the best. I actually slept in mine that night and never once got cold!! They are awesome, Thank you Amy!

Hudsen also got his first haircut while we were there.

Doesn't he look happy to be getting his hair cut!!

Haircut by Nanny. It looks so good and don't worry, he still has curls!!!

The rest of the time there was spent eating and playing with all of our toys!!

And warming up to Pappy!!

And more snow!!
Tim's birthday is the 26th and we went out to eat....mexican food....our favorite and then to Amy and Leon's house for cake, ice cream and presents! He had another party when we got back with the Watts family, so I will post those pictures next!
We made our way home on New Year's Eve and drove the whole way! We had a wonderful Christmas and we hope that you did too. Best of wishes to everyone in 2010.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Santa Visit

We took Hudsen to see Santa on 12-17-09 at Town Square and as you can tell.......he was NOT impressed! We got a good picture of just him and Santa and he was screaming! It is cute though!

For those of you that don't live in Vegas and don't know about Town Square, it is a really neat outdoor mall. They really decorate at Christmas and it is so pretty.

This is Santa's house!

And this is the big tree in the center of Town Square! The lights constantly change colors and Tim got a good picture of the tree with all the colors.

The night we went it just happened to start snowing at 7:00 pm right in front of the tree. Of course it isn't real but it sure was fun pretending!

After the Santa experience, we had a really good night!
Christmas post to follow. There are a lot of pictures and I need to be able to focus. Maybe tonight when Hudsen goes to bed!