Yummy Red Velvet Cake-Made by Ellen! |
Coloring with Aunt Beth! |
My birthday present from Tim! I absolutely love my new floor! And Thank you to King and Ellen for all of your help! |
Pumpkin Patch Visit #1! |
Pumpkin Patch Visit #2! Hudsen's preschool went to the pumpkin patch for a field trip!
Nolen getting some play time in! |
The big slide!!!! This is where he stayed until the very end!! He loved it! |
Telling Grandma all about it!! |
The only other thing he did....ride the train and wave!! |
Happy Halloween!!
The boys had so much fun trick-or-treating!! This was Nolen's first time and he was a pro!! After a couple of houses he figured it all out and it became a race for the boys to see who could get to the door first!! They were both very polite in saying "Thank you!" and then Hudsen would make sure to say "Happy Halloween!" We had a blast and still have so much candy!! I don't think we will finish before next year!
My cute Spiderman and Giraffe! |
Discussing what was in their bags from Nanny!! |
Hudsen's preschool Halloween party! What fun we had! |
Glow in the dark skeleton pj's! |
We were invited to a very fun Halloween party that had a pirate jumphouse, Pirate Joe came to show off some exotic birds, good food and company, and this cute photo spot! |
Happy Thanksgiving!
Singing the Turkey song at Hudsen's preschool Thanksgiving Feast! |
Getting a bible lesson on being thankful in all circumstances from Pastor Marta! I just love Hudsen's preschool. They usually have chapel on Thursdays and since they were going to miss due to Thanksgiving, Pastor Marta came in and gave a lesson before our prayer! |
Me and my sweet boys!! |
Thanksgiving Day!
The weather was beautiful and we actually got a little hot while playing outside waiting to eat! The boys had a fun day! Nolen cleaned his plate and Hudsen ate all of his turkey sandwich and helping of sweet potatoes and cranberry salad! I just love Thanksgiving and all the food and family time!!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for! Ellen and I did some shopping on Thursday night and had so much fun, except for the hour wait to check out at Target! Thanks for going with me Ellen. I had fun! We are now looking forward to Christmas and all the fun things we do in December. I have been planning for Hudsen's 4th's a spiderman party!! We also go see Santa and then Brian, Erin and Weston are coming for Christmas this year and we are so excited to share in Weston's First Christmas!!! My dad and Ashton are coming after Christmas and we always look forward to special visits!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! My Christmas shopping is done, Christmas cards are done and ready to be mailed and Christmas decorations have been up for about a week!!!! I LOVE this time of year!!!
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