I don't have a facebook account but Tim does so I just use his. I don't do much but look at pictures and updates. Tim lived in McAlester, OK for a few years in high school and made several friends. A couple he is friends with on facebook and I love looking at their pages for a few reasons.....1-they both have babies within a few months of Nolen and I love looking at pictures of their babies and reading their updates. 2-they always have really cute ideas for different things. 3-they sometimes put up good recipes. I got on one day and saw a picture of the cutest wreath that one of the girls had made and she got the idea from pinterest. Now I had heard about pinterest and even looked at the website but really didn't know much about it. After seeing this picture, I got back on and really started looking at the website and quickly became addicted!!! I have two wreaths, a fall and a Christmas one so from January to September I don't have anything to hang on my front door. When I saw this picture I knew I wanted to attempt this in hopes to have a wreath to put on my front door!!! Now I have made friends with one of Tim's friends from OK, Mona Gayle. After seeing the picture and knowing she is friends with this girl, I quickly texted her to see if she knew how to make the wreath and how much burlap I would need. She had actually made one for Valentine's Day and so she told me how much she used and off to Hobby Lobby I went. I gathered my supplies and when I got home I went to work on my new wreath!!! I love how it turned out. It was so easy and so much fun!!

Here it is on the front door!

Burlap, tulle, ribbon and I added feathers because I love feathers!!
My boys!! I can't post on here without putting up pictures of the boys!!! They are growing so much and are so much fun!!! Hudsen has a lot of energy and Nolen is very busy so our house is loud and exciting and I love every minute of noise!!!! Tim and I are so thankful that God chose us to be the parents to these sweet little boys!!!

Arggh!! Hudsen is still loving pirates and they play pirates just about every night!!!

Nolen is 11 months old!!!
I can't believe that we are getting ready to celebrate his first birthday!!! This year has just flown by! He is still such a happy boy and a very busy boy. He loves to eat anything, food or not! He loves to play with his ball and bat. He is a talker and laughs a lot! He loves his big brother and his big brother loves him! He has a tooth!!!!! We go to the dr at the end of the month and will get his one year stats then!

Hudsen still loves Toy Story and his Woody and Buzz toys. He so badly wants a Jessie doll and that might just have to be a Valentine present!!! He is still just such a sweet boy that loves to run, play, talk, and laugh!

Hudsen got this tent from Amy and OnOn for Christmas and they both love to play in it!!!
Happy Hump Day!
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