I can't believe Hudsen is 6 months old. He is growing so fast. We tried some new things this weekend and here are a few pictures to show you the fun that we had.
We started with a cookie. Yes it is one of those yucky, gooey, gets everywhere cookie that I said I would never give to my child because they gross me out but.....
when you get that reaction, how can you not give him one. He loved it. I think partly because he was able to hold it himself and the other part because it felt good on his gums. So our lesson here is.......never say never!!!
We then tried bananas and.....
well, the face says it all. He really liked the bananas. We tried applesauce tonight and that was a winner as well.
Next came apple juice. More like a lot of water and a splash of apple juice. I love the faces he would make after the first drink. I didn't have the camera handy but he would pucker up and shake his head and then go back for more. It's the cutest thing!
He can now go just about anywhere in his walker and he will get into anything. He is very curious and so much fun to watch.
The circle change. He did this on his own!!! So smart and yes his daddy was very proud!!
He loves baseball!!
He has become a really big fan of the singing crab. He can hit the top and the crab will sing and move around.
We are so close to crawling. He has been up on all fours a few times but still hasn't put it all together. He just scoots but he is ohhhh sooo close!!
Rebel fans!!
Well, he has my eyes and chin but that is just about it.
This one just makes me smile!!
Wow is is getting so big! And too cute! All of your pictures are darling!