Friday, October 8, 2010
It's A............
BOY!!!! Yes, we are having another little boy! I am so excited for Hudsen to have a little brother to play with!! We went to the Dr. today for my regular monthly appointment and everything looks good. She only has a small ultrasound machine in her office used for initial and gender check ultrasounds. The little guy was not shy at all, he is very proud to show off that he is a boy!!! We have our 20-week ultrasound on Oct. 18th and I will post pictures then!! We have a few names that we are throwing around but haven't settled on one yet.
Catching Up!!
Oh my!! I have a lot of catching up to do!!! Hudsen and I went to Plainview at the end of August. We went for my nephew's birthday and to meet my new niece!!! Ashton turned 6 this year and started kindergarten! I can't believe he is old enough to be in school. Hudsen had so much fun playing with him and Ashton is so good with him!! We also got to meet Stella!! She is beautiful and Hudsen loved her too!! We missed Tim for the 10 days that we were gone but we had so much fun visiting family!! This was our last trip where we did not have to pay for Hudsen to ride the plane! I can't believe the next time we book a flight we will have to pay for him!! He is growing up so fast and is so much fun! He is always so happy! We are getting more teeth and I hope that with more teeth comes more eating. Hudsen eats like I did, he picks. I guess I turned out okay so I probably shouldn't worry.......but isn't that what mom's do, worry!!! He learns something new every day and is definitely our little problem solver.
Story Time: Every night we have to take something from downstairs upstairs when we go up to take a bath. The other night Hudsen wanted to take his baseball and glove upstairs. Now he walks up the stairs with only us hanging on to an arm or hand and he holds the rail. When I saw him wanting to take TWO things up, I told him to wait for me because I needed to put his milk in the refrigerator. When I came around the corner he had already made it up 2-3 stairs. "How?" you ask. Well, he put his glove on his head, baseball in other hand and his free hand was able to hold the railing!!!! Definitely our problem solver!!!
About us: I am feeling great!! I have started to feel the little baby move and can't wait for it to be strong enough for Tim and Hudsen to feel!! Tim will finish school in 2 months and we are so excited!!! He is in his next to last class! Hudsen and I are so very proud of him!! What we do after school is out is still up in the air but we look forward to whatever God leads us to do!!!

Hudsen loves Emma!!!

The night of the problem solving! I couldn't get the camera fast enough to get a picture of him going up the stairs with the glove on his head!!!
Plainview Trip:

Aren't they cute!!
Story Time: Every night we have to take something from downstairs upstairs when we go up to take a bath. The other night Hudsen wanted to take his baseball and glove upstairs. Now he walks up the stairs with only us hanging on to an arm or hand and he holds the rail. When I saw him wanting to take TWO things up, I told him to wait for me because I needed to put his milk in the refrigerator. When I came around the corner he had already made it up 2-3 stairs. "How?" you ask. Well, he put his glove on his head, baseball in other hand and his free hand was able to hold the railing!!!! Definitely our problem solver!!!
About us: I am feeling great!! I have started to feel the little baby move and can't wait for it to be strong enough for Tim and Hudsen to feel!! Tim will finish school in 2 months and we are so excited!!! He is in his next to last class! Hudsen and I are so very proud of him!! What we do after school is out is still up in the air but we look forward to whatever God leads us to do!!!
Hudsen loves Emma!!!
The night of the problem solving! I couldn't get the camera fast enough to get a picture of him going up the stairs with the glove on his head!!!
Plainview Trip:
Aren't they cute!!
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